Creative Business Portraits:
VIVA Creative
Big Cork Vineyards in Maryland
VIVA Creative is one of the dopest companies I’ve met in the 20 years I’ve been in the DC area.
Emily Greene, boss lady extraordinaire at VIVA, reached out to me to do creative pictures of the team at their annual team event at Big Cork Vineyards. The photos will be used in some of their social media marketing as they share the brand culture of their company. VIVA designs, plans, and produces some of the biggest events in the world. From large conferences and meetings to interactive installations and concerts, their work intersects business, entertainment, politics, and technology, touching audiences across the globe. And their creativity flows through each team member! They were so fun and quirky, and they absolutely LOVED working at VIVA. There were several people celebrating 10 years with the company, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
There were no rules for the portraits other than capturing each person’s personality. Nor was everyone required to take one, so it took all the pressure off. It was just a fun time running through a vineyard, complete with a hair and makeup artist on-site making people look fabulous. The event was held at the beautiful Big Cork Vineyards in Maryland on an overcast and drizzling day, but a little rain didn’t stop the fun energy! If I didn’t thoroughly enjoy my life as an entrepreneur, I would totally want to work with this awesome group of people every day!
“We love so much all the photos you took at the winery! It was a huge success, and the warmth of everyone’s personality came out in the pictures.”