Headshots and Personal Branding Photography

Yes, you have a brand

Let’s capture your unique brand story!

A brand is a reputation, therefore everyone has a brand that is unique to them. Whether you are building your personal brand or your business brand, my goal is to always capture the authentic moments that will ultimately help you grow, while having fun and igniting your confidence!

Anna Rogers photo
Woman confidently posing with a contagious grin


Looking for a fabulous headshot? Join me for my monthly PortraitYOU Days! My sessions are more than a traditional headshot that stops at head and shoulders. Yes, we can capture those shots too, but these are about capturing your essence and communicating your personal brand.

Brand Story

Be a model for the day with your own brand story session! These sessions allow you to build an extensive portfolio of headshots, storytelling portraits, behind-the-scenes images, and detail shots that represent you. Perfect for developing image-rich websites, marketing materials, and social media graphics, or just celebrating your personal journey!

LaurenDemarco photo

“Shala made me feel confident and cared for. I knew I was working with a kindred spirit and an empowered female entrepreneur! When I saw my photos for the first time, I felt beautiful; for the first time, I could see my soul come through the photos! Hire Shala! She is creative, adaptable, attuned, professional, and inspirational.”


Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

  • Of course! Whether traveling up the coast to photograph an all-staff event or across the pond to document an educational tour, I’m ready to travel when you need quality photography. Let’s talk about your next retreat or important gathering. I’m ready with Global Entry and TSA Pre-check!

  • Headshots and brand story sessions typically take 5-7 business days to retouch. Events have the option of a live feed for immediate access to photos for social media!

  • Most sessions require a 50% deposit with the balance due the day of the session or event.

  • Nope, our professional makeup artists have everything they need to make sure your face is 4K camera-ready in any shade!

  • Absolutely! You’ll have my expert advice as we review every shot I take together to carefully curate the perfect portfolio of images.

  • Yes, I believe every story is worth telling, from celebrating life milestones to freezing time with your family!